Israel at revenge against Palestine- Surprise attack from air to ground. Killed 200 instead of 40

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is in a mood for revenge against Palestine. He told the citizens of Israel ” The nation is at War” after more than 40 citizens were killed by the Palestinian militants. The militants have launched more than 2,000 rockets at Israel’s territory from the Gaza Strip. That was the largest-ever attack in Israel land. More than 40 citizens were dead.

In the counter-attack, Israel sent Gunmen in against the Hamas forces from Air, water and Land. The rocket blast is going on in the lands of Palestine. A Palestinian Minister has said more than 200 civilians are dead and 1300 are wounded by the Israel war. The high Buildings of the Gaza streets have collapsed.

Israel’s Defense Minister said Yoav Gallant warned the Hamas Militants of Palestine. Israel is at war and you have to pay an unprecedented price for the mistake. Thousands of Fighter Jets are on target over the Hams territory. The Israeli military chief has warned the Israeli civilians who stay in Gaza to move to safe places or stay in their homes. And warned the Hams militants to pay a heavy price. The war has begun a list of chosen places is made including airstrips, militant camps, villages and cities, high towers, and border crossings are under attack.

Hams Military Commander Muhmmad Al Deif said the operation, ‘Al Aqsa Storm’ has begun. More than 5,000 rockets are set to target Enemy Camps, Military bases and airstrips. Also ordered the civilians to come up with trucks, cars, axes, and household amenities, because the war had begun.

The European Commission has condemned the attack of Hams militants on Israel. And Israel has the right to defend itself in his way. The US President also blames the Hams group as there is no place for terrorism and it will not be tolerated. And UN Council to meet on Sunday to establish peace in the Middle East.